How can you get your online network to benefit your offline life?

That’s the focus of No Longer Virtual 2019 and here’s the agenda!

Printable Agenda (PDF)

Thursday, February 21, 2019

8:00AM - Continental breakfast and welcome
Hosted by Sarah Elkins and Elkins Consulting Inc.

Let’s dive right in with a quick introduction and some fun and easy ice-breakers so everyone can get more comfortable.

9:00am - 10:00am

Shelly Elsliger

Shelly Elsliger

hosted by shelly elsliger & louise H reid


Topic Tie-In: All relationships depend on our ability to communicate effectively. This is the foundation for #NLV.

Summary: Learn how to make the most of NLVAtlanta2019! In this interactive session, we’ll step out of our comfort zones, start to get more comfortable taking risks, and make the most of every opportunity.

10:15am - 11:30am

Oksana Esberard

Oksana Esberard


Topic Tie-In: When we start our day with intention, mindfulness, and a routine that releases us to explore our day, we develop true motivation for real action and potential for success.

Summary: Mindfulness, the buzzword we've been hearing for a while, isn't a one-and-done thing, and it's not the silver bullet to a happy life. It must be learned and practiced in combination with other aspects of physical and mental health to make it useful.

Prepare for the session: More information coming soon.

objectives for the session

Lila Smith

Lila Smith

  • Learn and build strategies for being more present and mindful in your daily activities

  • Develop strategies for starting your day, or beginning a project, to put you in the mindspace necessary to be successful

Melissa Hughes, PhD

Melissa Hughes, PhD

1:00pm - 2:30PM

Changing with Intentionality
workshop hosted by Melissa Hughes & Jeff Ikler

Topic Tie-In: It’s one thing to take leaps and step out of your comfort zone, but if you’re not intentional in how and why you’re taking those leaps, you may as well stay home. Melissa and Jeff will help you make sure you’re not only intentional in the risks and changes you are making, they’ll help you develop strategies to make those changes stick.

Jeff Ikler

Jeff Ikler

Summary: Most change initiatives, whether personal or organizational, fail - up to 70% according to the Gallup organization. When we understand why they fail, it becomes easier to enlist the internal and external factors that can help move us effectively toward our goals.

Successful change is all about clarifying and aligning key elements:

  • “What” change we want to make

  • “why” we want to make it, and

  • “who” is going to make it.

Focusing on these elements helps you position yourself to avoid some of the common barriers to change.

Prepare for the session: Prior to #NLVAtlanta2019, make a list of some big changes you attempted to make at work. Which changes were you able to sustain? What did you consider and do that helped make your desired shift? Which changes failed to take hold for any sustained period of time? What factors might have been present or absent that negatively impacted your attempt?

Objectives for the session

  • Understand the three stages of effective change, and why the first one may be the most important

  • Understand what goes on in the brain when confronted with change

  • Explore the hidden reason why individual and organizational changes fail - and what to do about it.

2:45pm - 4:00pm

Jason Ellinger, Beard & Bowler

Jason Ellinger, Beard & Bowler

developing your story portfolio: facilitated small groups to identify and develop your stories
hosted by matt carpenter AND jason ellinger

Topic Tie-In: We are driven by the stories we create. The stories we share—and how we share them—can influence our internal messages, our relationships, and even our ultimate satisfaction in life.

Summary: In this interactive session, we’ll uncover the eight components of a good story. Hint, it doesn’t matter how you share it. And, we’ll work together to develop our personal stories with these components in mind.


Matt Carpenter, Beard & Bowler

Matt Carpenter, Beard & Bowler

  • Identify personal stories that shaped you and can and should be shared to help demonstrate your values and strengths

  • Better understand components of a good story, no matter how you’re sharing it (multimedia)

  • Develop those personal stories with clarity, to make sharing them in appropriate environments and media simpler and more effective

  • Develop observation skills to improve your own presentation and mastery of storytelling

4:15pm - 5:30pM

Joe Kwon

Joe Kwon

driving customers through creation of content: What's Your funnel, and are you ready for it to fill?
WOrkshop hosted by Joe KwON and Mike "Fritz" Fritzius

Mike “Fritz” Fritzius

Mike “Fritz” Fritzius

Topic Tie-In: You’re making changes that stick, creating content that is driving your business, and sharing stories that truly connect you with others. Do you have a sales funnel to guide your new relationships into a purchase, and are you ready for the business to get busy?

Summary: What do you need to do to make sure you are responsive not only to new clients, but also the clients you want to retain? Now that you’re getting busy, you’ll need strategies for continued communication and business development. Joe and Fritz will help you develop strategies so you’re prepared for the next level in your business, or that of your employer.

Friday, February 22, 2019

NLVDenver2018, Hannah Bratterud

NLVDenver2018, Hannah Bratterud

8:00am - 9:00am - Continental breakfast

Hosted by Sarah Elkins and Elkins Consulting Inc.

Let’s get started on Day Two with coffee, pastries, and engaging conversation!

9:00am - 10:30am

Karen Cohen

Karen Cohen

Your Personal Board of Directors: Diversity matters

Hosted by Adrienne Kimball and Karen Cohen

Topic Tie-In: We say we’re all about learning from each other, and we know we must listen to people with different perspectives, opinions, and backgrounds in order to grow, but how do we take action to do that - with intention?

Adrienne Kimball

Adrienne Kimball

Summary: When we understand our own bias, we can make changes to be sure we’re hearing from every different perspective in order to make the most of our time and choices. This session will include exercises to uncover some of what might be stopping us from connecting with people with different perspectives and backgrounds, building stronger relationships and improving business.

10:45am - 12:15Pm

answer your toughest professional questions with your tribe at NLV
hosted by your tribe


Topic Tie-In: We tried this structured session at #NLVDenver in 2018 and heard from participants that it was one of their favorite sessions, so we're doing it again, but with a few small tweaks. Tabletop discussions will begin with a theme, and will be hosted and facilitated by an NLV participant. Each theme will be discussed for 20 minutes, and then participants will rotate through the room. We’ll have three micro-sessions.

Summary: This time will be spent getting to know each other, and clarifying your vision for time spent among these incredible individuals.

Speed Session Topics:

Prepare for the session: Review the participant list two weeks prior to #NLVAtlanta2019 so you're familiar with your tribe.

objectives for the session

  • Spend time with a majority of the participants

  • Collaborate on answers to your most difficult business and career questions

  • Review prior sessions to dig more deeply and process the material and content

hosted lunch

Get to know some of your NLV tribe on a deeper level, breaking bread and sharing ideas over lunch!

NLVDenver2018, Mike Johnson, Sarah Elkins

NLVDenver2018, Mike Johnson, Sarah Elkins

1:15pm - 3:00pm

How Does All This Continue? How Do We Apply All We've Learned?
planning session and nlv debrief

You know those conferences you go to where you download all this great information... take copious notes... and then forget it all over the following weeks and months?

At NLV, this doesn’t happen.

NLVDenver2018, Curt Mercadante

NLVDenver2018, Curt Mercadante

In this interactive session, NLV facilitators are available to discuss your next steps, so you can bring the sessions together and make what you’ve learned habitual.

You'll get a close-up view of each facilitator’s ideas, as well as their expectations for participants and themselves in the coming months. With the help of our facilitators, you’ll get a clear roadmap of your next steps, as well as how to follow up to encourage accountability.


With many conferences, the return to our normal routine means the loss of the motivation and energy created at the event. Your facilitators will help you identify the triggers you need, the follow-up you choose, and the challenges you'll face to continue your motivation long after the conference ends.



  1. Set expectations for yourself to continue the growth you started at the conference.

  2. Identify the challenges you'll face after the conference, and develop strategies to face those challenges.

  3. Develop a plan to continue what you started here and plans to follow up with those participants you connected with.

  4. Better understand what you can do to help others solve problems, and build your tribe to help you succeed.

  5. Provide feedback to conference organizers and facilitators to make the next NLV even better.