personal narrative

321 Your Innate Worth

Throughout life we are told from an early age what to do, what jobs would be best for us, and what society expects of us. Quite often this leaves us in a job that doesn’t bring us fulfillment, so we end up looking for that fulfillment and sense of worth by exploring other career paths as well as life paths, and exploring what makes us feel our innate worth. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Corree Roofener discuss how labels impact us and our skill sets from an early age, and how through hard work and dedication to one’s self you often find yourself in a fulfilling position in life. 

319 Cultures, Conversations, and Community

The beauty of humanity is that we all share different cultures, from the differences in our food to whether we take our shoes off in the house, culture shapes how we interact with our community and our career which is why it is vital we have conversations about culture, so that we may find our community, teach others, and learn about another person’s beliefs and values, in doing so we will all be stronger together as a community.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Kevin Hamm discuss the importance of community, culture, and the conversations that need to happen in order for us all to have a better understanding and respect for one another. Kevin offers valuable insight, intelligent conversation, and a healthy dose of humor, approaching this difficult topic with humanity and dignity.

318 Cultivation Of The Self

Change and growth are seen everywhere in life, from caterpillars becoming butterflies, to saplings becoming towering trees, it is a normal and expected part of life that should be encouraged and embraced, especially when seen in ourselves. Change can be frightening but if you keep pressing on and contributing with the best of your ability, you will come to a better place. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Kristopher Lopez discuss the importance of appreciating the version of yourself from the past and cultivating the person you want to be now. Kristopher Lopez is an intelligent, respectful, and emotionally intelligent individual who brings a unique insight to the quandaries posed in today’s episode.

317 How Our Stories Frame Us

Taking the time to reflect on our stories and consider how they frame ourselves and others is a uniquely powerful tool for storytellers, when we take a step back to look at how and why we are telling our stories we can see the lessons and the messages that are built into our stories and we can see just how important our stories are.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Amanda Edgar discuss how important our stories are, how they shape us, and how through time they are subject to change. Amanda brings intelligence, kindness, and humor to the conversation, which brings life and warmth to the conversation.

194: There are Three Parts to Our Lives, and One is Undercover

She grew up in a solidly middle class household with little exposure to the underbelly of her community. As an undercover cop posing as a prostitute, Diane Halfman got a quick and unlikely education about that world.

She had to learn to trust her instincts and own her space, her power, and her current coaching clients get the benefit of her knowledge and experience doing just that.

Episode 178: Do Personalities Change? Can We Change Our Personality Intentionally?

Christian Jarrett remembers being interested in psychology as a young teenager. It was when he applied to be a stocker at a grocery store when he was 16 that he became even more eager to learn about why people do what they do, and whether people's personalities change over time.

At the Tesco store near his home in the UK, his application was accepted and he went on for the personality assessment, which he failed.

Episode 101: Impulsive But Not Stupid

What is one thing you’ve been saying about yourself for decades? What are the stories you share that give you and your listeners the perceptions that match that thing you’ve been saying about yourself, confirming those characteristics in a positive or negative way?