Episode 61: Grief Isn't the End, It Can Be a Beginning

Stories of Transition and Growth

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Sherrie Dunlevy has had her share of tragedy and grief. Shortly after the loss of her son, she went right back to work as a news anchor, a very public life. But shortly after her return, she realized her heart just wasn’t in it anymore. She felt as if she had just been going through the motions, mostly because that was what was expected of her.

Sherrie wasn’t sure what to do next, broadcast journalism is what she knew, what she was good at, and what people knew her for; it was a huge part of her identity. And though that had shifted to “the woman who lost her son,” she felt like there was something missing in her career.

As she processed her grief, one thing became very clear: People around her didn’t know what to say or what to do to support her. She looked for books to help her not only process what had happened, but to help her friends in their attempts to support her through her loss. She never found a book that fully satisfied what she thought was a big gap in education. Nothing she could find was really relevant to the need she saw in her friends and family.

Sherrie believes that when something keeps coming back up in your life, you were meant to do something with it, whether for yourself, or as a gift to your community. It took her years, and many cues that she MUST write the book she imagined, but she eventually wrote it… and it sat on her shelf for another year before she received another cue from the Universe that it was time to share it.

What cues have you received many times before you finally acted on whatever those cues were trying to tell you? Why did you wait? Do you think waiting made the cues stronger, and that waiting was part of the journey to fulfilling whatever promise the Universe was sending you?

Sherrie and I would love to hear your thoughts, please comment and tell us your story!

A popular media figure for over 30 years. Sherrie Dunlevy hosted her own radio talk show and was a TV news Anchor. Now she has reinvented her life after age 50 as an author, speaker and business owner. 

Her book, “How Can I Help- Your Go-to Guide for Helping Loved Ones through Life’s Difficulties,” was written following the death of her son and consequential loss of a few close friends, to help people become their best by reaching out beyond their fears and helping those they love and care about in life. 

It has been named as one of the “Top Self Help Books for Men” by Fupping.com and UpJourney.com.


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