career coach

247: Our Biggest Obstacle Is Sometimes Ourselves

Many times in life we do everything within our power to achieve our goal, whether that be a new job, to bring pride to others or ourselves, and to finally get over that hurdle our mental health has been lately. It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come when you see how far you still have left to go, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate your accomplishments now.

245: Our Authenticity Depends on Our Values, Not Our Comfort Zones

Throughout our lives we learn many lessons about ourselves and others, how we move on and grow from these lessons is how we become better versions of ourselves even if at the time it seems painful. By sharing what we’ve learned and our interests in a constructive and compassionate way, without sounding condescending or judgmental we can achieve our best selves.

Episode 160: When You Feel Honored to Do the Work You Do

This woman is absolutely compelled to improve life for people she encounters. She sees the best in people, and has a beautiful way of bringing out the most endearing qualities. At the same time, she doesn't hesitate to let them know when they're getting in their own way.

Her number one talent in the StrengthsFinder assessment is Includer, which means that she is compelled to include others, and to be included herself. Sarah is the kind of woman who walks into a roomful of people and has a sixth sense in finding the most uncomfortable person, knowing exactly what to say to make them more comfortable, and nurturing that comfort to the point of that person actually enjoying themselves.

Episode 139: A Silent Retreat, an Adirondack Chair, and an Open Field: A Story of Letting Go

Sabrina Woods is a typical Type A personality. She thrives on setting goals and smashing them out of the park. For most of her life she pushed and climbed, and spent almost every moment DOING.

At some point, though, she started to feel tired. She started to question the constant doing, and began thinking more about being.

She was in between jobs thanks to a reorganization in the higher education institution she was working with, a couple of car accidents, and other stressful events, when she invested in herself by going on a silent retreat over a long weekend.

Episode 114: An Accidental and Rewarding Career

Ash Rao fell into a career that now, ten years into it, she continues to find rewarding and challenging. What she seems to love most about her work as a recruiter and career coach is that moment when she identifies something special about the person in front of her or on the phone. When she figures that out about a person, she can truly help them find a job they love.

Episode 104: Truly Effective Leadership Begins with Self-Reflection

Rajkumari Neogy loved her job, but couldn’t shake the feeling of being excluded. As a leader in the organization, it was difficult to pinpoint where that feeling of dissatisfaction and exclusion was coming from because she had a great boss and an engaged team, but something just wasn’t right.