Episode 128: Innovation Storytelling to Build Community and Business

Susan Lindner Knows the Persuasive Power of Stories

I was introduced to Susan Lindner by our mutual friend Joe Kwon. He was sure we must meet, given our mutual love for the power of storytelling, and our passion for connection. He is the "Connection Counselor" after all!


Joe was right. Susan is an extraordinary woman. Her experiences span the globe, and she is one of those people who finds lessons in everything, and applies every experience to personal growth.

As an innovation storyteller, Susan gets to the purpose of innovation, to serve people, and creates the story that makes that connection for the stakeholders who must understand it.

Susan was highly influenced by the original cultural anthropologist, Bronislaw Malinowski. He believed that to truly understand a culture and all of its complexities, you had to LIVE in that culture. Not just observe it, but be in it, breathing it, eating, sleeping, and arguing in that culture, to truly understand it.

As always, the conversation took some great twists and turns, coming back to the reason for this podcast: It's all about our stories. Not the epic "I almost died" stories, but the ones we see in our daily lives, small details that combine to create our identities.

Introduce yourself to Susan via LinkedIn, visit her terrific website, and be sure to watch for her book, coming out in fall, 2020.