Self Discovery

203: Is It Truly Possible For People To Change? Featuring Lester Young

At the age of 19, Lester Young was convicted of murder. Today, he has transformed his life and utilizes his gifts to fulfill his purpose.

Enjoy this riveting discussion between Sarah Elkins and Lester Young, Executive Director for Path2Redemption, as they delve into how mistakes of the past don’t define who you are today. From learning “how to plant the seed” and cultivate your unique gifts, to giving back to others and changing their perceptions of you, this is an episode that will truly inspire your inner want for growth.

202: Becoming a Scientist: Why Do Stories Matter?

Indulge in this engaging conversation with Sarah Elkins and Scott Hanton, Editorial Director for Lab Manager Magazine and former Industrial Chemist and business leader for 30 years. They explore the beginning of his interest in becoming a chemist, as a young 13-year-old listening to a random man share his work stories, a moment that would instill a life-long passion for him.