weight loss

Episode 122: Storytelling As A Means of Self-Reflection and Change

He looked at his 2 year old son, standing at the foot of the bed where Bryan Falchuck's wife, his son's mother, was wasting away in front of his eyes.

It was that moment when he knew he had to change. To be there for his son in a way he hadn't felt supported as a child, and to be there for his wife in a way he knew she needed, he had to take the steps. Those steps included steps backward, to better understand why he was so compelled to action, so compelled to exploit his anxiety as a tool for professional success.

Episode 119: Taking Responsibility for Your Story

When his doctor told him he wouldn't live more than 5 years because of his weight-related health issues, Paul Brodie knew he had a choice to make.

It wasn't easy hearing the news, he remembers shedding some tears, but then the choice was easy. It was time to change his habits because he wanted to live, and he wanted to live well.