Episode 173: If You Want to Make a Positive Impact, Love the People You Want to Influence

"I love you, now get out of here!"

That's how Tammie Schrader sent her 7th grade science students to their next class after the bell rang on the first day of school. And every day after that was the same.

After about 3 weeks, she missed the first part: "Okay, kids, get out of here!" She was gently nudged by her students who didn't stand up from their seats. "Mrs. Schrader, you forgot to start with 'I love you.'"

Episode 172: When You Engage All of Your Talents, You Can Change the World

The moment I saw Bejanae's face on my Zoom screen, I was filled with relief, comfort, and absolute certainty that she would entertain, add insight, and bring much needed light to my day.

The conversation began with an explanation of her unusual, melodic name, shifted to a discussion about the program her agency sponsored for students in the Atlanta, Georgia region, made its way to the difference between STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), and STEAM (add Art in there), and back to Bejanae's pivotal moments in her career, which includes the story about the program we discussed earlier in the show.