Personal Development

Episode 146: Transformation Requires a Retelling of Your Story

When we talked about "liminal space", I started to truly apply what I had learned from that article years before, clarity coming as a gift from Heather about liminal space and its relationship with transition and transformation.

Episode 145: Vivid, Memorable Moments Hold Life's Pivotal Stories

As a child, Veronica Valadez thought that picking strawberries as a day laborer was fun, a time to run around the fields with her sister, throw overripe strawberries at each other, and sometimes pick enough strawberries to make some cash for school clothes.

Episode 144: When You're a Filmmaker, Your Life is the Most Meaningful Story

Her first career dream was to become a dolphin trainer, and a few years after accomplishing that goal, she switched gears. Her next dream was to be a filmmaker, but in the first semester, just as she was getting started, she had an unwelcome surprise - a cancer diagnosis.

Episode 143: "Listen Closely": A Film About the Greatest Demonstration of Love

When I saw the trailer for her movie, Listen Closely, I had to reach out to speak with her. Alana started her young adult years as a Can Can dancer in the Dawson City in the Yukon Territory, northern Canada. She stayed there for three months, and came back for four seasons. After her first summer there, she realized she was in love with the north and ended up living in a trailer with an outhouse one of those seasons.

Episode 142: Growing Up "In Between": Two Cultures, Two Ethnicities

In this conversation, Angie shared how being raised in a family where racism was subtle but cruel made her more resilient. Her mother is Thai and met her father when he was serving during the Vietnam war. Her mother moved to Appalachia with her new husband when she was around 19 and slowly tried to fit herself into a very small, very white, very conservative town and family.

Episode 141: Asking the Right Questions is the Key to Great Listening

Joey Held's background is broadcast journalism, and as he has continued in his career in writing, sales, and a variety of other jobs, that background has served him well. After all, being able to ask the right questions at the right time simply opens doors.

He's a very curious guy, especially about people and the way their minds work.

Episode 140: Your Style Story Isn't Just About Appearance

Renée Lindo found her calling after many years of corporate life, working her way up through the ranks as a sales and marketing professional.

She realized that her personal sense of style, and the way she intentionally presented herself was a big part of her confidence. And if she could help other women see their beauty and build their confidence, she could make a difference in their lives.