313 Rediscovering Yourself

Change is a fundamental law of nature, nothing stays the same forever. This is especially true when it comes to people, we are never the same even from moment to moment, we are allowed and expected to change, to grow, to become a version of ourselves that we can be proud of.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Michelle Cooper discuss growth, change, and the pains that come with it. Michelle brings warmth, empathy, and a depth of emotion that will make you laugh, maybe cry, but certainly bring you some hope and determination for the new year.

312 Approaching Differences With Curiosity 

Differences between people are as certain as night and day, however it is entirely up to us to determine if we will embrace these differences and learn more about them or to further isolate ourselves into an echochamber of similar ideology.

In this episode Sarah Elkins reads from her upcoming book Authenticity is Overrated and ruminates on the importance of embracing differences as opposed to getting frustrated over them. 

311 Admiration And Action

Inspiration is a necessity for growth and success, whether inspiration be drawn from daily life or from attending a keynote doesn’t change the importance, all that matters is finding it and determining whether you will admire said inspiration or take action because of it. 

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Seth Dechtman discuss their roles as storytellers and how hosting or participating in keynotes and similar functions have helped shape their craft and outlooks on its importance. Insightful, compassionate, and an equally wonderful storyteller, Seth makes this episode enjoyable and inspiring. 

310 Painting A Picture Of Yourself You Can Be Proud Of

Stories. We all have them and we all share them at some point or another, those stories may make your listener laugh or they may make them cry, what is equally important in storytelling is how you tell stories about other people in your life, how you talk about others says just as much about you as your own personal stories. By exploring the world around you and experiencing the diversity and unique qualities that every place and every person has to offer, you will feel even more alive and grateful for the stories you have to share. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Peter Davis discuss the many facets of life, storytelling, and how uplifting others can lead one to a fulfilling life path. Peter brings intelligence and empathy to the conversation with thought provoking quandaries and heartfelt personal stories that are sure to leave you with some introspective questions to think about. 

309 Building Stories To Last 

Dedicating your time to something that fulfills you is a vital part of the human experience, an example from today’s episode being home improvement projects on a property that’s almost one hundred years old. Dedicating time to something that was loved so it can be loved again and in turn become a testament to your skill and care for details, can only empower you and elevate your skills and reputation. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Dylan Cinti discuss the power of putting time, effort, love, and curiosity into what you enjoy to do, whether that be a career, education, or a project. Putting that level of dedication into something that can be treasured for years to come is something that can only benefit you and those around you, just as it is so eloquently put by Dylan in today’s episode. 

308 Change For The Better

Change is inevitable. It’s a fundamental rule of the universe that everything must change, however it is entirely up to you for the perception of that change to either be a blessing or a curse. Perhaps that change was what you needed to become the person you are today and shed the identity you once held. It's understandable to mourn the person you were but you must look to the future and the new changes that will come.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Chase Dalton discuss the importance of change and holding true to your values despite change in life. Chase offers a compassionate and intelligent view on life by weaving his natural empathy into his storytelling, bringing a warmth and eagerness that is always appreciated to the discussion. 

307 An Analogy For Happiness

In today’s environment that is so rife with the use of social media it can be both bewildering and disconcerting to not know what is or isn’t manufactured for content, as well as the perceived obligation to have to participate in social media. Although both overwhelming and exciting one must always remember to have their values at heart and to put forth what you want in the world while also keeping in mind how to support your friends and family online.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and AJ Kumar discuss how social media has impacted our perceptions of the world as well as our interpersonal relationships. AJ brings an insightful and warm perspective to the conversation, while also sharing his joy of learning and trying new things, and how these experiences have brought him to where he is today.