
Episode 164: Why I Added #Pronouns to My LinkedIn Profile Name

I added the pronouns (she, her) to my profile name on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago, and left a comment on a friend's post shortly afterward.

That was the first time my name came up with the pronouns, and someone I love promptly responded with "lose the pronouns" in his response to my comment.

I was annoyed, why would he care what my title says? It felt insulting, critical, like a condescending comment you'd expect from your older brother when you were teenagers. I was being judged.

Episode 130: I Will Not Meet Hate at the Door, Lessons of Love and Forgiveness

What's really significant about Heather's words is that she backs them up with real action and and her behavior absolutely brings that message home. She chooses love, learning, and personal growth in response to the adversity she experienced as a child and young adult.

Episode 84: Never Try to Be Something You're Not

You wouldn’t think that word could cause such discouragement and frustration.


It was the Women’s Leadership Retreat in early January, and my first experience on a board of a community organization. I was that year’s Vice President, and my primary responsibility for the year was to organize, coordinate, and host the annual conference that fall.