
283 Cultivating Your Ideal Environment 

Creativity and problem solving often go hand in hand usually in very unexpected ways, however when given the chance to bend and try things in new and unexpected ways without judging yourself or your abilities you may just find that these two vital skills can shape your strength and identity going forward.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Dr. Cyndi Burnett discuss the importance of creativity and education and how these two things can shape our identities and images of authenticity going forward.

Stories Shared Create Safe Space

Nicole Herbig and her partner at REBORN are acutely aware of the different world they're experiencing as a result of growing up not only as digital natives, but at the cusp of another industrial revolution.

Ah HA! Moments in Coaching

Ah HA! Moments in Coaching

February was a big month for self-discovery. Through coaching sessions and discussions with friends, I've been digging into some of my own motivations and weaknesses. One in particular has been a deep and recurring obstacle: Contentment and satisfaction without the need for external validation.