Emotional Intelligence

Episode 156: Our Experiences Create Our Identity, How We Talk About Them Shapes Our Future

Anna Cley was an outstanding student. And then she was a rocket scientist... and then she became an opera singer...

Her stepfather gave her the nudge she needed when she was miserable in her job as a scientist with the French Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France's equivalent to the USA's NASA. He told her that she could do anything she really wanted to do, he gave her the permission she needed to completely switch gears and follow her heart.

Episode 155: Some of the Most Precious Gifts Come from Great Sacrifice

She was miserable in those first few months of her senior year of high school, studying abroad in the United States, thousands of miles from her home and family in Brazil. It’s not because she didn’t fit in, or she wasn’t making friends. What made her miserable was that she was working so hard in academics and sports, and not meeting her own expectations of achievement.

Episode 154: What Can We Say, What Questions Can We Ask to Help Us Understand Each Other?

Desiree Adaway is no stranger to being the only black person in a room, or even in an entire community.

At 16, while skipping class, she saw an ad in the back of a magazine about exchange student programs and applied, signing her mother’s name on the application, the passport application, and all other necessary documents.

Episode 153: Humans are Complicated! Stories of Life, Discovery, and Ambition

"People's lives are largely a product of the decisions they make."

The theme throughout this conversation is self-reflection. When we understand ourselves, and can reflect on how we're showing up to the people and environment around us, we can make decisions in alignment with our ideals, our ideal vision of who we want to be and how we want to be.

Episode 152: A Relationship with Yourself: Lessons Learned through Self Reflection

Ron wasn't always as self-reflective as he is now, it is something he learned as a result of difficult relationships. At some point he realized that if he wanted healthy, loving relationships, he was going to have to be a person who earned them, a person who learned from his mistakes.

It was a process, becoming a self-listener. Ron learned to take a step back after conversations to reflect on how they went, the good and the bad, and what he might have done right or what he could have done better. Eventually he started taking that step back during conversations, rather than waiting until afterward, so he could see where he was going and make necessary adjustments either to shift the conversation in a more positive direction, or recognize when it was time to cut and run.

Episode 151: Every Situation Can Become A Meaningful Story

It was tempting to hunker down and immediately get to work, even though I knew I wouldn't be inspired or productive, mostly spinning my wheels and finding opportunities for distraction.

Instead, I forced myself to put on my hiking boots and take the dog for a long walk. I knew if I could get myself outside for a little while, I'd be far more productive for the rest of the day.

I was right.

Episode 150: If You Dream of It, Work for It, and Make It Happen, Is it Still Magic?

Meg Nocero worked as a prosecuting attorney for 20 years. She saw every kind of human in that work, and yes, after a while the job might have contributed to trust issues.