Personal Development

Episode 160: When You Feel Honored to Do the Work You Do

This woman is absolutely compelled to improve life for people she encounters. She sees the best in people, and has a beautiful way of bringing out the most endearing qualities. At the same time, she doesn't hesitate to let them know when they're getting in their own way.

Her number one talent in the StrengthsFinder assessment is Includer, which means that she is compelled to include others, and to be included herself. Sarah is the kind of woman who walks into a roomful of people and has a sixth sense in finding the most uncomfortable person, knowing exactly what to say to make them more comfortable, and nurturing that comfort to the point of that person actually enjoying themselves.

Episode 159: Her Stories, Her Hustle, Her Community

I met Michelle Y. Talbert via LinkedIn years ago, when I was first building my network. I was intrigued by her podcast Her Power Hustle, and was immediately inspired by her honesty and integrity in the work she did.

Episode 158: Happy New Year Every Day, Because Every Day is an Opportunity

My plan, in case you want to know, is to keep taking things one day at a time, to mostly ignore the news because nothing said there is going to change my behavior in any way, and continue to make an effort every day to live in alignment with who I believe I can be.

I'll fail sometimes. The judge-y internal voice will pop up and I'll have to address it. I'll step in it with people I love and respect because of obliviousness and self-absorption, and I'll eat potato chips when I know a better option is out there.

Episode 157: What if You Were Compelled to be a Chameleon to Succeed?

Jason Greer can be a chameleon when necessary. When Jason Greer and his co-author Phil Dixon began the journey of writing their book, Bias, Racism, and the Brain, Jason didn't consider how writing the stories of racism in his life would impact his internal messages, and how they would affect the simmering of those experiences under the surface of his life.

Episode 156: Our Experiences Create Our Identity, How We Talk About Them Shapes Our Future

Anna Cley was an outstanding student. And then she was a rocket scientist... and then she became an opera singer...

Her stepfather gave her the nudge she needed when she was miserable in her job as a scientist with the French Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France's equivalent to the USA's NASA. He told her that she could do anything she really wanted to do, he gave her the permission she needed to completely switch gears and follow her heart.

Episode 155: Some of the Most Precious Gifts Come from Great Sacrifice

She was miserable in those first few months of her senior year of high school, studying abroad in the United States, thousands of miles from her home and family in Brazil. It’s not because she didn’t fit in, or she wasn’t making friends. What made her miserable was that she was working so hard in academics and sports, and not meeting her own expectations of achievement.

Episode 154: What Can We Say, What Questions Can We Ask to Help Us Understand Each Other?

Desiree Adaway is no stranger to being the only black person in a room, or even in an entire community.

At 16, while skipping class, she saw an ad in the back of a magazine about exchange student programs and applied, signing her mother’s name on the application, the passport application, and all other necessary documents.