strengths coach

365 Tools for Success

In the path to thriving and enjoying your life you must be able to identify and utilize the tools unique to your skills and values. Not everyone can use the same tool kit, just like plants require different soil to grow, we also require our own unique environment to grow. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Gina Riley discuss the importance of the unique tools we acquire through life and the best way to utilize these tools. 

359 What is Success?

Success and our paths to reaching it look different for every person, especially when it's to someone who isn’t an achiever and doesn’t care for titles. Our own personal success is often more meaningful than a trophy.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Robin Hamilton discuss their own personal definitions of success as well as the trials and hurdles on their paths to self discovery and success.

351 Communication Is In Everything We Do

We are always communicating in everything we do, from overtly talking to or texting someone, to smiling and nodding to strangers you pass on the street, it’s human nature to want to be seen and heard and to give that to others. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Jim Collison discuss the importance of communication and how understanding your strengths leads to better communication not just with others but with yourself.

347 Find The Hidden Prize In Failure

Everything you do, starts and ends with you. From habits we try to make consistent, to our careers, everything we do comes from ourselves, and sometimes we fail which is just as important as success. Often we must fail and learn from those mistakes in order to succeed. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Charles Clark discuss the importance of the evolution of the self, accepting our successes and failure, as well as the importance of stopping to check in with yourself and ensure you are still in alignment. 

Episode 175: Is Your Team Missing Something? To Find Out, You Must Know What You Have vs. What You Don't

As a Communication & Inclusion Trainer, Alissa guides people in addressing awkward situations, helping them quickly adjust to things out of their control.

In a recent training, when she had to demonstrate that kind of adaptability because of technical glitches, she realized what a gift it ended up becoming for her and for the participants.

Episode 101: Impulsive But Not Stupid

What is one thing you’ve been saying about yourself for decades? What are the stories you share that give you and your listeners the perceptions that match that thing you’ve been saying about yourself, confirming those characteristics in a positive or negative way?