
361 Tools For Change

Change is an unstoppable force of nature. From the great Rocky Mountains to the spring flowers, all of us are subject to change, whether it be for positive or negative is entirely up to you and the choices you make in utilizing your skills and natural talents. 

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and her guest Sally Magee discuss how change can be dealt with in a constructive and helpful way to not only better yourself but those in your life as well.

359 What is Success?

Success and our paths to reaching it look different for every person, especially when it's to someone who isn’t an achiever and doesn’t care for titles. Our own personal success is often more meaningful than a trophy.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Robin Hamilton discuss their own personal definitions of success as well as the trials and hurdles on their paths to self discovery and success.

352 Human Curriculum

Human connection is imperative to our growth and success as people, however if we do not take time to work towards creating a community to feed our social needs we will end up stunted and spinning our tires unable to continue. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Christopher Fillipiak discuss the importance of community and growth, which often comes with the fact we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable by loving and being loved in return.

347 Find The Hidden Prize In Failure

Everything you do, starts and ends with you. From habits we try to make consistent, to our careers, everything we do comes from ourselves, and sometimes we fail which is just as important as success. Often we must fail and learn from those mistakes in order to succeed. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Charles Clark discuss the importance of the evolution of the self, accepting our successes and failure, as well as the importance of stopping to check in with yourself and ensure you are still in alignment. 

342 The Best Teacher Is Life

Throughout life we all have to learn some difficult lessons, some lessons are harder than others, but if you persist and remember your core values you will succeed with more knowledge of yourself and your capabilities than you started with. 

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Gail Harris discuss the importance of learning the harder lessons in life and coming out the other side to share these experiences with others.

341 Cycles of Relationships

Growth, change, and accepting that sometimes we are just as much at fault as anyone else, are vital to the health and longevity of the relationships we build. It is only through growth, change, and acceptance that we become the best version of ourselves.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Hope Marshall discuss the natural courses of relationships and how they affect us even after they’ve ended.

335 Seasons of Life

Regret and wondering what could have been is one of the most universal human experiences, it’s normal to feel guilt and regret over not achieving something or making mistakes, but it’s how you learn from these experiences and move into the future that defines you.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Hope Marshall discuss regret, healing, and allowing life to move on especially when it’s hard to do so.