No Longer Virtual

364 NLV 2025

This year in Austin Texas February 10th and 11th is the eighth annual NLV Summit hosted by Sarah Elkins. A meeting of great minds, incredible opportunities, and a sharing of impactful stories.

In today’s episode Sarah reminisces on many of these stories from the previous several NLV Summits and how they have helped her shape her path going forward.

316 Community In The Age of Social Media

Throughout our careers we will all need to make decisions to benefit ourselves and others by being a good leader and building up our teammates. In the age of social media and technology it is easy to focus on progress and monetization over the health of your community and your team. It is vital to your growth as a person and a business owner to choose community and growth for the betterment of your business, your community, and your team.

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and the equally accomplished Eric Elkins discuss the importance of community and teamwork in our current age, how taking the time to listen to others and hold yourself and them accountable can lead to growth and change in the world around you. Eric also shares the skill of storytelling and brings awareness, compassion, and mindfulness to the conversation.

315 The Risks Of Following Your Passion

In life we are bound to do any number of things on our path to a successful career, adding to our portfolio of stories and skills in our pursuit of happiness. These things do not take away from our skills but instead add to them and our expertise, it all depends on how you choose to apply these acquired tools in our life and career.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Elaine Belson discuss how walking the many paths of life have helped shape them into the successful entrepreneurs they are today, offering insight and positivity involving the paths to fulfillment and success. Elaine brings warmth and an intelligent insight to the conversation, referencing and telling many stories of her numerous skill sets that have helped shape her and her business into who they are today.

314 What Builds Community (Like Chickens)

Community is the life blood of our growth and success as human beings, even in the very beginning of humanity’s first steps across the globe we were hyper social creatures who relied on one another to survive, whether that be to have enough food or blankets for the cold months or maybe even knowing you could go to your local carpenter to ask for a new chair. We have always relied on one another to build ourselves and each other up, and without that fundamental part of our humanity we wouldn’t be where we are today and we will only stagnate and mold if we distance ourselves from it.

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Jake Cinti discuss the importance of community and helping the places we call home to thrive, true although the experience of cultivating community isn’t always sunshine and roses, it is always an important and vital process. Jake Cinti brings equal parts intelligence, awareness, and compassion to the conversation, offering an insight into the world of reality and social work that is often overlooked or unseen. His values only becoming stronger as he has continued his work with his brother Dylan, Yarrow, and Ypsilanti.

272 The Importance of Differences 

As we grow and meet people we come to find that how we portray ourselves and our stories is immensely important to how we are perceived and how we build connections within and outside of our communities. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Jeanette Jergens discuss the importance of our stories and cultures, even from county to county. Without differences and uniqueness among one another there wouldn’t be many differing stories and that would be quite boring.

271 There Is Still Room For You

It’s human nature to envy another for what they can do or bring to the table, however it is the next thought of appreciation and acknowledgment that you also have important and valuable skills that matter. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Lynn Rivest discuss the importance of utilizing our most valuable tool, our humanity, to not only propel our own work forward but to inspire others to do the same.

270 Mindset Agility

Changing, growing, self reflecting, and adapting is an integral part of life. If we don’t hone these skills we will inevitably miss out on the amazing opportunities life has to offer, whether it be a trip to a country you need to learn a language to explore, or meeting new people and listening to their stories. Our agility and flexibility in any circumstance is what determines whether we grow or stagnate. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Wendy Ryan discuss the importance of the aforementioned skills and how exemplifying these traits can inspire others to follow a similar path that will make way for similar healthy and happy habits.