self care

373 Making Space and Time To Truly Enjoy Life

In life we will often be distracted with things we feel like we have to do: Go to University, get a normal job from 9-5, participate in every extra curricular activity that is presented to us, and in doing so we fail to take into account what we need. We need community, we need to experience the beauty of the world we live in, we need to live not just survive. 

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and Joyce Perrin discuss the many adventures they both have lived through and the lessons they learned on their journeys. 

368 Choose To Step Up And Step In

It’s a strange and frightening world we are living in right now. With divisiveness and anger seeming rampant, it falls to us to maintain our community, to show up with a heart of love and understanding for each other and ourselves, to save our village from burning and refusing to let a lack of empathy and communication drive us to destruction. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins and Erin Miller discuss the vital importance of community and taking care of one another, of building bridges and allowing our differences to strengthen us instead of divide us, as well as accepting when a bridge cannot be built and an olive branch is refused and trying to find peace with the results.

363 Taking Inventory

As the New Year begins it’s time for us to take a step back and reflect on the stories, messages, and values we want to bring into 2025. Just like tending to a garden by removing weeds and adding nutrients, we must also tend to the garden of our lives. 

In this episode Sarah Elkins, Emily McVey, and Chris Wang discuss the stories that shaped them into who they are as well as how they have chosen to tell their stories through thoughtful and meaningful actions.

362 Stories Influence Our Identity and Personal Narrative

As we close the chapter on 2024 and begin to start anew in 2025, it’s time that we take a step back to reflect on the narratives and stories that we have been harboring. We must take it upon ourselves to determine if these stories still serve us or if it is time to let those stories stay a product of their time and remain in the past so that we can create new stories that reflect us who we are now. 

In today’s monologue Sarah Elkins ruminates on the effect the story The Giving Tree had on her as both a child and a mother, and how it has inspired her to reflect on other stories that no longer serve her.

361 Tools For Change

Change is an unstoppable force of nature. From the great Rocky Mountains to the spring flowers, all of us are subject to change, whether it be for positive or negative is entirely up to you and the choices you make in utilizing your skills and natural talents. 

In today’s episode Sarah Elkins and her guest Sally Magee discuss how change can be dealt with in a constructive and helpful way to not only better yourself but those in your life as well.

360 Taking Your Own Advice

Sometimes in life we are told by those who come to us for guidance how valuable and insightful our input can be, however it is often difficult for us to take our own words to heart. This can be for a myriad of reasons, but if our personal board of directors insist that we have a good head on our shoulders, certainly we must turn inward and offer advice to ourselves. 

In this episode, Sarah Elkins ruminates on the importance of taking your own advice and being mindful of how your stories impact those involved in it, especially when they aren’t around to hear the story being shared.

356 Sarah's Hike

Many times in life it feels like we’re in the plot of a movie franchise from 2003, hopelessly watching and waiting for the inevitable drop of the other shoe, the logs or cars to fly off of a semi-truck on a highway that we have to take. Often this stress and future-tense fear can become all-consuming, blinding us to the people we share the car and road with. However if we remember to take a breath and slow down, letting those in your car offer their insight and assurance, you will make it to your destination and this too shall pass. 

In this episode, Sarah Elkins offers some insight she found on a hike in the beautiful snowy mountains of Montana, sharing her boundless optimism and valuable thoughts.